GW2 Profits
Items Tool
Recipes Tool
Delta Price Tool
Suggestions Tool
Craft Everything Tool
Crafting List Tool
Mystic Forge Crafting Tool
Precursor Forging Tool
Spread Tool
Bag and Salvageable Tool
Equipment Salvage Tool
Luck and Basic Materials Salvage Tool
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A good feedback / suggestions / bug reporting spot can be found here

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Sorry to do this, but due to a spike in spam, I'm adding a quick human and GW2 player check:
What is Tybalt Leftpaw passionate about? (one word)

ToolDescriptionVoteEdit / Delete
Recipes ToolBest items to craft with Glob of Dark Matter, about 1.5g per GoDM(+) / (-)
Craft Everything ToolOption to use account resources only. So, not to spend any more money on tp(+) / (-)
Craft Everything ToolExcludes all items made with recipes that cant be acquired anymore, all timegated items, all ascended inscription and insignia, and a few others with ingredients that are too annoying to obtain in bulk(+) / (-)
Recipes ToolCrafting a Precursor for profit(+) / (-)
Craft Everything ToolIs there a way to implement a feature to calculate instant sell only So we dont relay on buy bid(+) / (-)
Recipes ToolWhat to craft with your daily timegated ascended materials(+) / (-)
Bag and Salvageable ToolHi, thx for such a great site

Is it possible to add sorting by velocity in Bag and Salvageable tool
(+) / (-)
Craft Everything ToolSort purchases alphabetically for ease of ingredient shopping(+) / (-)
Craft Everything ToolCraft everything from basic materials. Sometimes the tool makes you buy crafted materials like inscriptions which are in theory cheaper to buy than to craft, but many times the orders fill very slowly or only a few of those items have the price to actually worth to buy crafted.(+) / (-)
Craft Everything ToolFix negative profit when using API key(+) / (-)
Recipes ToolWhat to craft with your Ascended Materials Bloodstone, Dragonite, Empyreal scroll down a bit until you get to profitable the ones at the top simply use more than one of them, but arent profitable(+) / (-)

Help and Info:
 ● Suggested GW2Profits Tools made by other users, such as useful searches or recommended settings.
 ● The URL and Description fields have very strict formating and allowed characters, and both must include something.
 ● You get 1 vote per Suggestion, either up, down, or neutral. If you up-vote something, then up-vote it again, it goes back to neutral.
 ● To save you some headache, any Suggestion you make is automatically upvoted by you